Is it crazy to think that our own well-being is tied to how we see the well-being of others?  Can it be that we have a greater ability to improve our own lives when we look to help others?

“To truly transform the health outcomes for the incarcerated and the corrections officers, a shift in mindset must first occur to better deliver on the design and implementation of well-intentioned reform initiatives for the health of all.  Only by incorporating an outward mindset as the foundation that drives the behaviors and activities of the human service delivery efforts in the prison environment will a healthier culture and outcomes be achieved for both the staff and the incarcerated.”

James Hayden, Ph.D.


No one wakes up looking to be biased, discriminatory or to mistreat others – yet the path down that slippery slope starts with the smallest betrayal – just seeing someone else as not being a person.  Once this transgression occurs, all other injustices become possible.  Learn how our way of seeing others can lead to greater harm to ourselves and how the solution is not to start by trying to do the right thing, but just in seeing others the right way.

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